
All you Tazo Chai fans will turn your affections to a new love after you try this stuff. Ah-mazing. It's twice the price of the Tazo concentrate, but you need half as much per cup so combine that with the intense flavour all evens out.

4 Responses to “Chai”

  1. Jean:

    is this coffee or tea? where do I find it?

  2. kim:

    Tea. The only place we’ve found it is Sobeys.
    Or you can hold out for what Clay and I have in the works: we are on a mission to create our own, best in the world, chai concentrate!
    Next week, we take over the world!!
    Okay, maybe we just start figuring out spice ratios…

  3. Kicking Horse is a good brand, have had the coffee, have to try the tea next I guess.

  4. Sher:

    I’ve also seen it at Safeway. 🙂

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