Not Today

I have been having a really good time with my kids lately, and starting to think I'm a pretty good mom. Then today happened. Last night was low on sleep. Today was high on conflict. Annoyed, frustrated, and just plain was not a good day.

I had to make a quick trip to the grocery store to get some stuff to make supper. The kids waited in the van while I ran in (please don't send the cops after me - my mom did this with me when I was small and I didn't kill myself in the vehicle or let a stranger in). I put the bananas on the counter and had a good chuckle. "I'm good with kids." Not today I wasn't.

I am thankful that I do not have to look inside myself to be a better mom. Inside myself is more of the same - there is sin in my heart and if you bump me, sin comes out. No, I don't look to myself but rather to my Savior, Jesus, who alone has the power to change my heart at make me more like him.

One Response to “Not Today”

  1. Angie:

    Amen, Kim!

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