We took a family trip to Costco after supper. I used to manage this quite well on my own when we had three kids, but ever since Deacon came along I do not even attempt Costco without Clay. I’m sure it would be fine, but I know it is easier with his help. Plus it’s more fun when he comes.

The kids spent a good chunk of the afternoon playing outside today, so add that up with a ride home in the van after shopping, and you have 4 little cuties falling asleep almost instantly. It is always a gamble how they will react when we get home. Will they go straight to bed without a fuss, or will we have a scream-fest?

Bailey was emotional, but went straight to bed.

Markus was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. He didn’t want to go to bed without having a snack, so I got him set up with some yogurt at the table.

Deacon was not impressed to be set on the floor. He wanted to eat, and he wanted to sleep. He looks a lot more content in this picture than he actually was.

And then there was Wyatt.

3 Responses to “Varying Degrees of Energy”

  1. Jean:

    I want to kiss each one! Deacon is absolutely too cute and Wyatt just too hilarious.

  2. Allison:

    Haha I laughed out loud when I got to the last picture. I’m loving your new blog!

  3. kim:

    @Jean – better get in as much kisses as you can in these last few months!

    @Allison – I do love a real out loud laugh! 🙂 Thanks for reading, it’s so nice to get feedback!

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