Backyard Fun

After a busy day of cleaning up the backyard, I had no plan for supper. Not to worry, it’s BBQ season! I asked Clay to pick up some hot dogs and buns, and we ate like the health conscious people you know us to be. After supper it was time for a little backyard fun with Daddy.

Wyatt was throwing the football here.

Bailey is waiting for the toss.

Deacon is hanging out on the deck with me, wishing he could get in on the action. After being sufficiently watered by the kids while he was hanging out on the lawn this afternoon, I figured it was time for him to stay clean and dry up on the deck.

Markus is busy trying to finish his supper so he can join in on the action.

Clay and Wyatt battle for the win!

I didn’t get any shots of Markus and Wyatt playing together. Between those two guys’ near collisions with every toss, and Bailey’s unsportsmanlike yelling, I was in stitches. These kids are hilarious! Life is good.

2 Responses to “Backyard Fun”

  1. Jayna:

    Gotta love BBQ season! We also tend to eat very healthy in the summer months. 😉 Somehow playing “get the ball” with daddy seems to be a lot better than with mommy – at least at my house!

  2. LOVELY! It is amazing how with a meal of that ‘style’ one often has more fun for awesome after supper play! Spring helps too. Your supper in the back yard makes me wish we had a barbecue 🙂

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