The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.
Isaiah 40:8
I have my regrets about how I shot this. I wish I had axed the coloured stones, or maybe gone in for a close crop on the wilted flower head. What do you think? Is it okay?
I love all your photos, and I really like the height of this one (the base of the vase to that top flower stem). I feel like maybe that one stem could have leaned towards the right corner instead of the left, for balance, and maybe you could have left out the stones, but I still like how bright that flower look even as it’s wilting.
Sorry if that was more opinion than you bargained for. I’m certainly no photographer and this is much better than anything I could do!
Don’t apologize for the length of your comment, Angela! I agree that the other stem would have looked good leaning to the right – hadn’t thought of that until you mentioned it. You’re a very helpful critic 🙂
I loved the stones – very pretty colour contrast, especially with the white background. The wilted head would have been cool too, but I tend to try to make my camera eek out the tiniest of details. 😉
Very cool ending to your series of daisy shots – would be neat to see them all framed left to right with this one on the end.
The scripture made me cry. I think what got me was the contrast between the death of that flower and the glorious truth that God’s word stands for all time and eternity! How exciting and incredible that we can hold it in our hands and consume it!
love the withered flower and the stones.. but yeah, perhaps less stuff going on and not cropping out the other stem… oh didn’t read other comments first, hope I don’t double up…