Perhaps she thinks that if she covers her face I am unable to see the obvious fact that she is lying in the middle of the hallway and is not in fact in her bed? Nope, sorry girly, I'm not that easy to fool.
I'm sure this girl gets prettier every day.
We all went for breakfast at McDonald's this morning, which the kids were thrilled about. The food is a treat, and so is the playground.
I've been getting beaten up with migraine headaches for over a week now...could you please pray I'll be done with them for a while so I can get my strength back to have a baby? I'd very much appreciate it.
We all went for breakfast at McDonald's this morning, which the kids were thrilled about. The food is a treat, and so is the playground.
I've been getting beaten up with migraine headaches for over a week now...could you please pray I'll be done with them for a while so I can get my strength back to have a baby? I'd very much appreciate it.

I'm still waiting.
I don't feel as huge as I look in this picture...we don't have a full length mirror in our house, and I'm thankful for that right now because I have no idea how big I actually am. Until I see a photo of myself, that is.
I don't feel as huge as I look in this picture...we don't have a full length mirror in our house, and I'm thankful for that right now because I have no idea how big I actually am. Until I see a photo of myself, that is.
Different boy, different playground, different day.
Not knowing when I will go into labour is making my days feel very strange - I don't want to make plans for anything, but if we just stay at home I'll go crazy. It's been a great time to just say 'yes' to the kids when they want to do fun stuff, like go explore new playgrounds. I just wish I had more energy! After an hour at the park, I just want to come home and nap.
Not knowing when I will go into labour is making my days feel very strange - I don't want to make plans for anything, but if we just stay at home I'll go crazy. It's been a great time to just say 'yes' to the kids when they want to do fun stuff, like go explore new playgrounds. I just wish I had more energy! After an hour at the park, I just want to come home and nap.
The boys have been asking if we could go to the playground with "the big web" at the Forestry Farm, and today seemed like a good day for it. It was our first time playing there, and we'll definitely be back.
It rained all day. Poured.
And then the skies cleared just in time for date night. I had a lovely time with Clay - we went out for supper, then grabbed some Starbucks and went for a walk. Went for a waddle would be a more accurate description, as I am not moving anywhere quickly these days. I'm sure the baby has dropped (which I have never been sure of with any of our kids), and I am very curious to know when the big arrival will be!
Every Monday evening for the past 5 months I have walked through the doors of this building for a prenatal exercise class. It has been great for keeping me flexible and addressing all the aches and pains that come with pregnancy, and it's also been a great place to connect with other expectant moms. There's one more class next week before summer break, but I plan on having a baby before then so I guess tonight was my last class ;)
My husband is a techie gadget guy, but at the same time does not covet something just because it's the latest thing...and I love him for that! He's content with his iPhone 3Gs since we can't afford an upgrade yet, and this original iPad suits him just fine - he puts it to daily use with his Bible reading, now complete with audio. The things they come up with these days... :)
This guy and I seem to be butting heads a lot lately, but I can't stay frustrated for long when I see this smile. He is such a joy and I love my little mischievous Wy Guy.
The rain calmed down a bit today, and the kids were eager to get outside and put their beloved umbrellas to proper use.
The rain calmed down a bit today, and the kids were eager to get outside and put their beloved umbrellas to proper use.
Chives. I love the flowers on this plant.
I had a very busy morning baking muffins, and as soon as I was done I was taken out by a migraine that's been lingering all day. I'm praying I can fully recover from this headache before my body decides it's time to have a baby.
I had a very busy morning baking muffins, and as soon as I was done I was taken out by a migraine that's been lingering all day. I'm praying I can fully recover from this headache before my body decides it's time to have a baby.