This afternoon I was busy taking pictures for Kijiji ads. There are a number of things in our garage that don't need to be there, and I want to get rid of them before the baby comes along. I didn't feel like finding something else to take a picture of yet today, so this about sums up the afternoon. Now if only people would go from email interest to buying.


Markus and Wyatt were thrilled to have their auntie come for a visit today, and she came bearing many gifts. The afternoon was spent blowing bubbles and playing with water guns - most of the water got shot into their mouths, and quickly spit out. Little boys are funny.

I took this yesterday, but was too tired to post. Too tired to clean up the dishes too, and I am very thankful for my wonderful husband who cleaned everything up before coming to bed himself.

Rainy Day

Normally I love a gray and rainy day, but today was definitely not normal. I hope the forecast is correct that tomorrow will be sunny...if only for the morning. Hopefully I'll be back to my rain loving self by the time the rain comes back again.

Or hardly working?
Don't you hate it when you've spent a chunk of your day on the computer doing stuff, but feel like you have nothing to show for it? Today was one of those days. I need to be away from the computer tomorrow.

Half asleep this morning, I heard Bailey's signature slide down the stairs. I quickly fell back asleep. When I got up forty minutes later, I went to her room to check on her, to discover she wasn't there. "Oh yeah....she went downstairs. What has she been doing down there all by herself?" I crept down to the living room to find this sleeping beauty on the couch. She's too sweet.


33 weeks pregnant - my due date is quickly approaching! It's starting to seem much more real now that I'm beginning to get things ready for the homebirth we're planning on. This will be my first out-of-hospital birth and I am really looking forward to it. I have nothing but good things to say about my midwives and the experience I've had with them thus far.

BBQ Season

Ahhhhh.....the snow is gone, the crisp spring wind blows new life into our winter weary bodies, and the smell of grilled meat tickles your nose from some corner of the neighbourhood on any given day. Yes, BBQ season is upon us and boy does it taste good.

Small One

She may be getting bigger, but she's still my little girl.


Bailey and I were hanging out in the kitchen when she asked if I would snuggle her on the couch. We grabbed a blanket and snuggled for a few minutes, talking about the baby in my tummy. She then sat up and exclaimed that she needed to get a baby too. She had a good conversation with her babe, gave it a kiss, then laid down for a snuggle.

Wow, is she ever impressionable.