Ready for sunshine

Little Bailey has recently started to care a lot about clothes, and this is what happens when she's given the okay to choose her own outfit. I think she's ready for the 3 foot high snowbanks to melt so she can get some sun! Later in the day she insisted on putting a few extra layers on - five more shirts to be exact. Perhaps she realized how impractical her wardrobe choice was for the day?

3 Responses to “Ready for sunshine”

  1. Robyn:


  2. Jayna:

    What a little sweetheart – she looks so proud of herself! And Kim – I thought you said you rarely had clean floors? That looks pretty clean to me!

  3. Jean:

    I am having a wicked fast flashback to a small Kimberly moment – how can she look so much like you?!!She’s just so lovely and if she’s anywhere near as delightful as you were when you were that little – and yes, I can remember you at that age – then you must just be having the time of your life in that loving little home of yours. Love to you, and love to mini-you!

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