I received a windfall of apples this week (thanks Jayna and Jessica!), so I plan on making apple butter with some of them, and freezing the rest for crisps and pies. Does anyone have experience with making apple butter? I've never done it and am going to try this recipe unless someone tells me they have a better method :)

One Response to “Apples, apples, apples.”

  1. I too had a neighbour give me a whole lot of apples. I used this recipe for apple butter and it turned out AMAZING!!! I would love to share it with you. It is for a slow cooker – I’m hoping you have one with 4 small children.

    Apple Butter

    5&1/2 pounds apples – peeled, cored and finely chopped
    4 cups sugar ( you can adjust to however much you like)
    2 tsp cinnamon
    1/4 tsp cloves
    1/4 tsp salt

    Place apples in slow cooker. In medium bowl, mix sugar, cinnamon, cloves and salt. Pour the mixture over the apples and mix well.

    Cover and cook on high for 1 hour.

    Reduce heat to low and cook 9 – 11 hours, stirring occasionally, until the mixture is thickened and dark brown.

    Uncover and continue cooking, on low, for 1 hour. Stir with a whisk to increase smoothness.

    Spoon mixture into hot, sterile 1 litre jars. Cover and refrigerate or freeze.

    My jars sealed but I am still keeping them in the fridge. Let me know if you try this recipe and then what you thought!
    Happy cooking!

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