Julia arrived victoriously today with a purple dragon costume! It was time for everyone to get dressed up.
Markus and Wyatt basically live in those jackets. People who work at the grocery store are starting to remember me, and I'm sure it has everything to do with my memorable crew and nothing to do with my face.
Ha Ha! this picture put a smile on my face. Julia looks so TALL.
That’s because she IS so tall!! We had such fun with all you adorable Bitners!
What fun! I want to be a kid again. Hey, I’ll wear a costume tomorrow night if you will. 🙂
@Sarah haha! That would be awesome. If I had something to wear I might take you up on that. As it is, I will only be dressed up as a tired mom…I might even have spit-up on my shirt. I really get into my costumes you know 😉