
I adore this little man.
He ls always happy. Smiles and squeals are the norm for this guy, and his joy spreads to everyone around him.

The Big Move

The time has come - these two are now roommates! Bailey was practically bouncing off the walls with excitement over having her little brother sleep in her room now. Little...he's nearly as big as she is!

I have absolutely loved having Deacon in our room, but I have to admit that lately it's not been working very well. He wakes more often now than he did when he was a newborn, so no one is getting a great night's sleep anymore. Hopefully he will transition without much fuss and we will be a well rested family again soon.

Special Order

While I am not an expert barista, I do think my lattes are pretty darn good. While I would not classify Starbucks as experts either, they sure do have a lot of flavours to play with. So when I am in the mood for something other than my standard latte, I shell out $5 for something special. Okay, whoever works there and came up with the idea of the Salted Caramel Mocha? That person is a genius. I am even more of a genius for replacing the mocha with white mocha, and making it half sweet. Try it. You're welcome.


Markus has a sudden love for mazes. When I snuggle him before bed, he asks me to draw mazes on his Magnadoodle, so last night I told him we'd look online for some mazes today. I printed a bunch and made a book for each of the kids, an "Amazing Maze Book" for each of them. HUGE hit. It's a good thing we have a lot of paper and printer ink on hand, because I think more books are in our future.

Tea Party

With the windchill in the -40C range again today, we were not going anywhere. Bailey requested a tea party so I put on the kettle and we snacked and sipped with the boys. I think Bailey ate the most granola bar pieces, Markus drank the most tea, and Wyatt ate the most sugar - my little Sneaker strikes again!


The kids didn't appreciate the fact that their spaghetti was surrounded by mushrooms, but they made some fun out of it by pretending they were eating worms. Strangely, I don't find that motivating. I wouldn't really be excited about eating my food if someone said, "Come on Kim, it's just like eating worms!" I know I was once a kid, but there are times that I sure don't understand them.


Some friends came over to play this morning, so the whole crew needed to get dressed up. Well, all except the babies. So the dragon, shark and lion are my crew, and the monkey belongs to my friend Angie. Thanks for coming you guys!

It’s Here

He hadn't stopped winter from coming.
It came!
Somehow or other
It came just the same.


This poor baby has not been sleeping well, and that means that Clay and I have not been getting much sleep either. For nearly a week he has been so restless during the night. I suspect his teeth are on the move, but it might also be related to starting solid food recently - it can be such a guessing game when they can't tell you what the problem is! He looks so apologetic in this photo. I love you, Deacon! Feel better soon!

Story Time

Our kids love to be read to from the Jesus Storybook Bible. We love it too. It is an amazingly written childrens Bible that so clearly explains that the entirety of the Bible is "an adventure story about a young Hero who comes from a far country to win back his lost treasure." That hero is Jesus, and we are his treasure! He loves us "with a never stopping, never giving up, unbreaking, always and forever love." That is good news, and I am so blessed to share it with my kids.