It is tradition that the grandkids stand on Grandpa's hand when they are babies, and today was Deacon's time to shine. I love that I caught Mom's delighted surprise at the sight of Deacon strutting his stuff.
We spent the day with my sister Jean and her family. Thanks for the fun day, guys! We're so glad you are here this year and look forward to more time together while we have the opportunity.
What would December be without an unabashed bokeh photo? I won't promise that there won't be more to come - it's an easy out on a day that got away on me.
The prettiest decoration in the whole house!
We always put up the tree on the first of December, with Robert Goulet as our soundtrack for the evening. You're missing out if you don't have a listen!
The prettiest decoration in the whole house!
We always put up the tree on the first of December, with Robert Goulet as our soundtrack for the evening. You're missing out if you don't have a listen!
I haven't been sad to see the snow melting over the last week. Would you believe I've actually been happy about it? It's true. So when the white stuff started falling again today, reality began to set in again. It's December tomorrow, and these uncharacteristic warm temperatures are going to plummet sooner or later. Oh winter...I'm glad you're followed by spring.
I was a little frustrated that no one was looking at the camera and smiling, but now that I look at the photos I did capture I realize this is much more true to life. I love these little crazies :)
Deacon was so happy that Grandma came for a visit this afternoon, he even took some time away from all his fun wiggles and giggles to give her a minute of quality snuggle time. What a sweetie.
I am so blessed by my mom. Today she popped in so that I could run to the store by myself - so much easier, especially with my finger all bandaged up. I also made a stop at the medi-clinic to get a tetanus booster shot, after finding out my last one was in 1998. Now I'm prepared again for 10 years of cuts! :)
I am so blessed by my mom. Today she popped in so that I could run to the store by myself - so much easier, especially with my finger all bandaged up. I also made a stop at the medi-clinic to get a tetanus booster shot, after finding out my last one was in 1998. Now I'm prepared again for 10 years of cuts! :)

Deacon is five months old today!
He had a great time hanging out with his Grandpa this afternoon.
He had a great time hanging out with his Grandpa this afternoon.
Anytime I have posted a photo of a sewing project, I feel the need to be punny with my title. I'm sew sorry. wah wah.
Here I am finishing up my tiny Christmas stocking advent calendar project. December is coming!
Here I am finishing up my tiny Christmas stocking advent calendar project. December is coming!
Julia, always game for something goofy!
So today was a major cookie baking day at my mom and dad's house. Some to keep, and lots to give away. My contribution was these sour cream cutout cookies, and browned butter triple chocolate chunk cookies.
You're welcome.
So today was a major cookie baking day at my mom and dad's house. Some to keep, and lots to give away. My contribution was these sour cream cutout cookies, and browned butter triple chocolate chunk cookies.
You're welcome.
It's not really midnight, but that's beside the point. I needed to eat something redeeming after all the cookie dough that made its way into my mouth this evening. Some of my sisters and I are meeting at my mom and dad's tomorrow to bake up a storm before Christmas, and I was getting all my dough ready so I can hit the ground running in the morning.