
Last minute photo tonight, of Bailey's shoes of choice lately. She doesn't care to wear these water shoes when she's getting her feet wet, but she loves them for any other occasion. She can put them on by herself, so it's all good with me.

Creature Comfort

Oh espresso, you and your pal steamed milk are good friends of mine. Hello, latte.

First Day

First day of kindergarten today! While I didn't have the first day jitters most moms must have as they send their little one off to school, I've wrestled with my share of anxiety in the last number of months over the idea of homeschooling - but today went off without a hitch. Well, if you don't count the cute two-year-old hollering about this...that...and everything. Now if only every day could go so well. I know there will be battles, but no path is simple.

Biggest Brother

This boy is not a baby anymore - obvious much? :)
His maturity and depth of thought lately have caused me to stop and notice the obvious: my boy is growing up. I'm so blessed that he's the big kid, he's very responsible and is great at showing the young ones the ropes. Tomorrow he embarks on a new journey...kindergarten! Though this journey is different from many of his peers' in the fact that he's doing it at home. It's going to be a journey for us all as we figure out the ins and outs of making homeschooling work in our home. I'm excited (and scared).


The one shot that isn't blurry. What a cutie.
Grabbed this shot in the van before heading home after supper - lazy day meant an outing to McDonald's to get something to eat. The kids got in some extra play time before bed and crashed when we got home :)

Man of the House

My sweetie decided it was time for some chai lattes. It's September, and he's making - I can't argue with that!

Take my picture!

Little Miss had a great time at the playground today, especially when her auntie agreed to join in and play with her.

King Wyatt

The boys were busy at the table this afternoon, cutting and drawing. Usually there's a lot of cutting going on, with a little bit of scribbling, but today Wyatt turned out this masterpiece. He's a good king, fighting the bad guys. I love his tiny crown and contemplative eyebrows.

L. Messi

This anniversary vacation of ours was all about photos and food. We ended on a high note (who am I kidding, all our meals were high notes) at Il Secondo. I had the L. Messi panini with salad. MmmMmm!

Pretty happy with how this shot turned out.
Yay for our anniversary stay-cay!