Daddy’s Boy

These handsome guys remind me a lot of a daddy and his girl that I captured way back when I started this project.

The Real Deal

Yesterday Markus was pretending to be Deacon pulling hair, and here he is getting his hair pulled by the baby himself. Is that a precious smile or what?


Here's Markus doing his best Deacon impersonation on Wyatt.
"I'm Deacon, I'm pulling your hair!"
(Make sure you imagine his baby voice.)

All dressed up.

Julia arrived victoriously today with a purple dragon costume! It was time for everyone to get dressed up.

Markus and Wyatt basically live in those jackets. People who work at the grocery store are starting to remember me, and I'm sure it has everything to do with my memorable crew and nothing to do with my face.

Old School

My kids have really been enjoying watching The Incredibles lately. I love a line near the end, after the Incredibles have saved the day, two old men are marveling at the superheroes' abilities,
"Now that's old school."
"No school like the old school."

It's been playing in my head for days, and came to mind again when I was texting on my old school phone today. It's not smart, but it gets the job done. Not that I wouldn't welcome an upgrade.


My drooly little baby had a good time playing on the floor with his toys while I got some stuff done in the kitchen.


I spent a chunk of time doing some work with a friend over the phone and on the computer this evening. Easy work, when I've got a delicious chocolate bar to snack on (dark with almond butter - yum!), and an Americano to sip.

By the way, Americano is my new go-to coffee. I'm finding lattes Yeah, I think that's the problem.

Savour Fall

I've got two sugar pumpkins waiting to be cooked. I don't know what I'll do with all of the puree, but I definitely see loads of pumpkin scones on the horizon. Maybe a pie, and I'm curious about the idea of pumpkin cookies. Anyone have a good recipe?


This little sweetie seems to be working on some teeth. There's nothing visible on his gums yet, but his hands are rarely out of his mouth, and his clothes are constantly wet from all the drool. All this hard works makes it a little difficult for him to fall asleep sometimes. Thankfully he went to sleep pretty easily this evening, after a restless afternoon.

Hello Rain

Maybe it's just my foggy brain, but I don't think rain is typical around here at this time of year. Either way, I enjoy it. I wish this is what our winter consisted of, rather than snow, ice, and -30C. I know Jude, we should move to the west coast. We think so too, but our bank account says otherwise.

P.S. This is my 600th photo posted on this blog. I thought someone might find that interesting.