
I know everyone thinks their dad is the best, but all those people can't possibly have met my dad - because my dad is the best! He leads his family so well, and we are so blessed to call him Dad and Grandpa.

Today he came over to put the finishing touches on the deck he built for us. He had three very willing helpers, and as he always does with the little ones, he made them feel so very useful.

Thanks Dad, we love you!


So this is my first attempt at making a frappuccino at home. Either I needed more ice, or a different blender, because all the ice I did add just ended up liquefying. Doesn't matter though, it still tasted great.
Next time I think I'll just go for an iced caramel macchiato - can't go wrong with that.


Because I'm a procrastinator, I typically leave my daily shot until the evening. This particular evening I ended up crashing on the couch at the same time the kids went to bed. I slept all evening, while Clay slept much more comfortably in our bed, and he was kind enough to bring me the camera when he got up to upload his photo from earlier in the day. I snapped this and went to bed, hence the late upload.

Oh, and in true 365er fashion, all my dreams were filled with having to get my shot for the day.


Only 8 more weeks until our baby is predicted to arrive. I'm banking on 10 weeks, just so I don't get too impatient when the due date comes and goes as it has before. Nevertheless, I am starting to get my head into baby-mode, and we brought this beautiful Moses basket home today -thanks, Sarah!- as we get the nest ready.

Little Boys

I'm finding it really is true what people say about little boys being hard on their clothes. I think Markus only owns one pair of pants that don't have a hole in the left knee, and the funny thing is he loves the holes. He'd far rather wear holey pants than ones without. Maybe he thinks it makes him look tough.

Bailey hasn't made an appearance on my project for a while, so here you go. You're welcome. She is the most beautiful, intelligent, sweet, amazing little girl I have ever known. She does scream, but if we're honest, we all do from time to time.

I Bake

I love to bake. I'm a bit of an ingredient snob. Well, I say a bit...if you knew how picky I can be, you might drop the "a bit of". I just think, why would I load my baking up with processed convenience foods? Why not just buy a store-bought dessert then? I really don't think you can consider something to be baked from scratch if it's loaded with Jell-O, Cool Whip, sitting on a store-bought pie crust. But hey, I'm a snob that way.

I'm going to watch now.
Love that show.

Flyaway Home

Spring must really be here. Today the sky was filled with birds returning home after a long winter away. I don't know what kind of birds these are - my first thought was Canada Geese, but I think they look too white for that. Any ideas?


If you saw Clay's photo from yesterday, you know he loves specialty soda. I was out by myself this evening, stopped at the grocery store on my way home, and had a request for a treat from my dear. These Steaz sodas are awesome - we used to buy them from Costco all the time, but now they've stopped carrying them and they are too expensive to buy anywhere else on a regular basis. Yay treats! Looking forward to trying these new flavours.