Bailey put her imagination to work with this box when we got home from Costco today, boating around the kitchen floor :) She sure looks like her big cousin in this photo - I can't believe how grown up she is getting.

Go Away

Go away, migraines. You're not welcome here.
Out for the count again this afternoon. Clay came to my rescue after Bailey's naptime, only to have to leave a short while later. Here's me, doing my best to get supper on the table, wearing my sunglasses indoors - because I'm that cool. Yeah, if only that were the reason.


I cooked supper, my mom & dad came to eat with us, then we left the kitchen a complete mess and came home to sleeping children and a clean kitchen. (sigh) Time to put my feet up.
Thanks, Mom.


Today I was stuck in bed all day with a migraine. I'm very thankful for my mom, who came to watch the kids so I could try to sleep it off.


Wyatt, being cute before bed.
There's a lot of mischief in those eyes.

Pizza night at our house - today it was topped with bacon and mushrooms. While the new Little Caesar's near our house was tempting, I'm glad we made our own :)


I really hope I start feeling creative soon, because this end of the day shooting thing is getting old.


I love days that I don't have to think about making supper, and am free to just bake. Today I made blueberry scones, and a strawberry-apple crisp.

Plan It

I really like being organized. That said, I have been so disorganized for the past...oh, 9 months? Yesterday I was on a budgeting rampage, and today I attacked the menu plan.

Spring Line-Up

These 3 pairs of rubber boots belong to the three sweetest kids I've ever known. I love being their mom.