I picked up a few bargains when I was shopping for groceries. Two shirts and a scarf, and I am noticing a colour trend.
Why mess with a good thing?
A traditional Mennonite delight, New Year's Cookies are a memory seared in my mind from many years ago. I remember my Grandma Fehr making them, and being amazed that I was actually being encouraged to dip my cookie in sugar before every bite. They were delicious. They still are.
My sister Jean, with the assistance of some helpful hands, made a huge batch of these cookies today, and we all eagerly dug in. Thanks for the delicious treats Jean, and for making memories to live in the kids' minds :)
My sister Jean, with the assistance of some helpful hands, made a huge batch of these cookies today, and we all eagerly dug in. Thanks for the delicious treats Jean, and for making memories to live in the kids' minds :)
There's no party I'd rather be at than the one in my living room. Clay and I are eating popcorn, drinking artisanal peach soda, and watching The Debt. Thanks for the recommendation, Jessica B...or maybe I should wait until it's over to decide whether I should thank you? :)
Ta-da! Haircuts courtesy of yours truly. I call this style, "The Homeschooler". It's the only cut I do.
Truly, one of the perks about homeschooling is the fact that my kids can take on whatever shaggy and unkempt look they morph into, and there is not a classroom of kids to judge their adorable but not quite socially acceptable appearance.
Truly, one of the perks about homeschooling is the fact that my kids can take on whatever shaggy and unkempt look they morph into, and there is not a classroom of kids to judge their adorable but not quite socially acceptable appearance.
I decided to get in touch with my inner Francophone and made these tourtière turnovers for supper. I opted for the turnovers rather than a traditional tourtière pie because I thought they would be more well received by the kids. Clay and I really enjoyed them, but apparently our kids don't have one cell of French Canadian in their bodies. You would have thought we were trying to feed them fish eyes or chicken feet. They were that extreme!
Tomorrow we eat the leftovers: some more happily than others!
Tomorrow we eat the leftovers: some more happily than others!
After I took this photo, it looked strangely familiar. Then I titled it 'Clean', and realized it is the third photo I have given the same title to. Apparently I like photographing clean floors and clean dishes! Here is the deja vu photo of my floor.
Anyway, the reason I took a picture of my floor is because it is in fact, clean! And yes, I have washed it since the January photo linked above. The mess that follows Christmas is driving me a little crazy, and I needed to get a clean foundation to work from as I get the house back in order.
Anyway, the reason I took a picture of my floor is because it is in fact, clean! And yes, I have washed it since the January photo linked above. The mess that follows Christmas is driving me a little crazy, and I needed to get a clean foundation to work from as I get the house back in order.
Deacon is six months old today! I can't believe it has already been six months since this amazing little boy came into the world. His arrival was an absolute joy, and every moment after has been as well. I definitely think he's a contender for the Happiest Baby in the World title. People ask, "Does he ever cry?" to which I respond, "Not really." He is simply a delight, a joy, and a blessing to everyone around him. He is a perfect addition to our family and I can't remember life without him. Isn't it funny how that works?
The makings of an after dinner drink. I love being able to play barista in my kitchen, and today I was busy making caramel macchiatos, a plain latte (for myself), and spiked egg nog lattes. Clay will have to weigh in with a review!
Clearly, Deacon brings delight to everyone he meets!
We had a wonderful morning with our church today, celebrating the birth of our amazing Savior.
Afterwards we headed to Mom and Dad's for the rest of the day, and had a great time with siblings, nieces and nephews. I love that crew!
Merry Christmas to you all!
We had a wonderful morning with our church today, celebrating the birth of our amazing Savior.
Afterwards we headed to Mom and Dad's for the rest of the day, and had a great time with siblings, nieces and nephews. I love that crew!
Merry Christmas to you all!
This little girl is so blessed to call this man 'Daddy'.
This morning it was time for a Christmas Daddy Date. I helped Bailey get dressed for the special event. (That does not mean I helped pick out the clothes - she had that covered and she let me know it!) She was blessed with a gift from her brothers - the Hello Kitty clip in her hair - and off they went on their special date. The idea behind this being that dads ought to be the first ones to date their girls, to teach them how they should be treated - with love, honour, and respect. That way, when guys come knocking on the door in 12 years, she will know how a real man treats a lady, and send the boys home crying because Bailey won't date them ;)
While this was all going on, I was out with my boys. I thought I was taking them to Starbucks for a treat, but I was in for a surprise because they were treating ME! When it was time to pay, Wyatt pulled money out of his pocket and they informed me that they were paying! Not only is Clay teaching Bailey how she should be honoured, he's also teaching our boys how to honour a lady. I am so blessed to be married to this man!
This morning it was time for a Christmas Daddy Date. I helped Bailey get dressed for the special event. (That does not mean I helped pick out the clothes - she had that covered and she let me know it!) She was blessed with a gift from her brothers - the Hello Kitty clip in her hair - and off they went on their special date. The idea behind this being that dads ought to be the first ones to date their girls, to teach them how they should be treated - with love, honour, and respect. That way, when guys come knocking on the door in 12 years, she will know how a real man treats a lady, and send the boys home crying because Bailey won't date them ;)
While this was all going on, I was out with my boys. I thought I was taking them to Starbucks for a treat, but I was in for a surprise because they were treating ME! When it was time to pay, Wyatt pulled money out of his pocket and they informed me that they were paying! Not only is Clay teaching Bailey how she should be honoured, he's also teaching our boys how to honour a lady. I am so blessed to be married to this man!